We do not know a lot about Herbert Abraham Harrison. He was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2 in Victoria.
He died of “inflammation of the bowels” on 27 July 1888, aged 24.
Here is the report of his death from the Daily Colonist newspaper:
“Harrison – At Vancouver, on the 27 inst., of inflammation of the bowels, Herbert A. Harrison, a native of Illinois, U.S., aged 26 years [note: his gravestone says 24 years].
The funeral will take place tomorrow, Sunday, at half past two o’clock, from the Masonic Temple, Douglas Street. Friends are invited to attend.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 28 July 1888, page 4, under heading “Deaths”)
Herbert Abraham Harrison is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
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