Frederick Williams (1824-1899) was a member of Victoria Lodge, No. 1085 and its successor lodge, Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, who served as Grand Master of B.C. in 1876-1877.
Here is a brief biography of M.W. Brother Frederick Williams, Past Grand Master, taken from the contemporary newspaper accounts of his death and funeral:
“An Ex-Speaker’s Death – The death occurred yesterday of Mr. Frederick W. Williams, who has been a resident of Victoria and vicinity since 1860, in which year he arrived from Suffolk, England, where he was born 77 years ago. Deceased served two terms in the legislature, representing the district of Esquimalt. He was first elected at the general election of 1875, and again in 1878. During the Walkem administration, 1878-82, he was speaker of the legislature, retiring with the ministry. Mr. Williams conducted a hotel at Esquimalt during his residence there. For a number of years past he was been a great sufferer from palsy, and with his wife has lived quietly at their home on Superior street. Deceased was a member of Victoria Lodge, I.O.O.F. under the auspices of which the funeral will take place on Sunday at 2:30 from the residence and at 3 at Christ Church cathedral.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 1 December 1899, page 5, column 2)
“Impressive Services – The funeral of the late Frederick Williams took place yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends. The Rev. Canon Beanlands read the impressive ritual of the Church of England at Christ Church cathedral and at the family vault at Ross Bay the Masonic service for the dead was read by the Worthy Master [sic] of Victoria-Columbia Lodge, R.E. Brett, assisted by the following past masters, who also officiated as pallbearers: D.W. Higgins, John Teague, Angus McKeown, Geo. Glover, Thos. Shotbolt and David Wilson. At the close of the Masonic services the Odd Fellows of Victoria Lodge No. 1, also conducted services, led by Noble Grand Rumble and Chaplain Allan Graham.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 4 December 1899, page 4, column 2)
Frederick Williams is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.