David Herbert Bale (1867-1945) was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2 in Victoria.
He was a building contractor and building designer who operated his business from 1402 Stadacona Avenue / 1480 Fort Street, a house he designed and built in 1907 as his office and residence. David Bale lived at 1402 Stadacona Avenue until his death in 1945.
A 1913 advertisement for D.H. Bale appears below, showing his as an “Architect, Builder And Contractor”. Note that while he was definitely a builder and contractor, he was not a registered Architect. But he did design houses for himself and for clients, and typically acted as the building contractor on the construction of those houses he designed.

We will add pages on these houses in the near future.
David Herbert Bale is buried in Royal Oak Burial Park but we have not been able to locate his grave marker at this point.
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