Charles E. Stallard (died 1900, aged 38), was a Past Master of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2,. He is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
At present we have little information on Worshipful Brother Charles E. Stallard. We know he was born in London, U.K. and that he came to Victoria about 1885, aged about 23. In Victoria he worked as a plumber. This information was in his obituary (see below).
City Directories of the period show “Stallard, Chas. E. plumber 48 Government h. 134 Vancouver”. The same City Directories show 48 Government Street located on the west side of Government Street between Broughton Street and Fort Street and occupied by W. Bownass Hardware. It would appear that Charles Stallard worked in the Bownass Hardware store. Those City Directories also show 134 Vancouver located on the west side of Vancouver Street between View Street and Yates Street and occupied by “Thompson, Mrs. H.A. widow” Charles Stallard may have been renting an apartment in the house at the time of his death. Neither 48 Government Street or 134 Vancouver Street are still extant.
He was a member of Vancouver Quadra Lodge, No. 2 and had served as Worshipful Master of that Lodge.
We will post more information about Wor. Brother Stallard as we uncover it.
Here is some information on Wor. Brother Charles Stallard taken from his obituary in the local newspaper:
“Death of C.E. Stallard – Charles E. Stallard died at an early hour yesterday morning, as the result of an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He was a native of London, Eng., aged 38 years, and had resided here for 15 years, working as a plumber. The funeral will take place at 2:30 this afternoon from the Masonic Temple, the deceased having been a past master of Vancouver-Quadra Lodge, No. 2.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 1 July 1900, page 5, column 2)
Charles E. Stallard is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.